Wholesale and retail sale of aluminium and stainless steel

  • Vilnius: +370 5 2032584 -
  • Kaunas: +370 37 328200 -
  • Tallinn: +372 527 2916

DIN koncentrinis ir ekscentrinis privirinamas perėjimas (AISI 304)


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Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg

DN100-DN50, DN100-DN65, DN100-DN80, DN125-DN100, DN125-DN80, DN15-DN10, DN150-DN100, DN150-DN125, DN20-DN10, DN20-DN15, DN200-DN150, DN25-DN15, DN25-DN20, DN32-DN20, DN32-DN25, DN40-DN20, DN40-DN25, DN40-DN32, DN50-DN25, DN50-DN32, DN50-DN40, DN65-DN25, DN65-DN32, DN65-DN40, DN65-DN50, DN80-DN40, DN80-DN50, DN80-DN65